‘Room’ By Emma Donoghue [Book Review]

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Image: Rakuten Kobo

“Room” tells the story of Ma and Jack.

At first, things seem normal. They stay in a room, so what? Yet, subtle details imply, little by little, that there’s actually something wrong with the whole setup. Why let Jack sleep inside the wardrobe, in the first place? Also, isn’t it strange that Old Nick, another character in the novel, just comes in at night? Eventually, it is revealed that Ma is actually being held captive by Old Nick.

I read it in one sitting. I just could not put it down because I wanted so badly to know how Ma and Jack got to their current situation and how Old Nick managed to keep them. Of course, I won’t deny that the entire thing was also a little bit too heavy to process, and it was scary at some point as well. Readers should definitely pick it up with caution.

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